In OE PayPal module 3.1.1 file metadata.php there is a disabled option for "Check out without a PayPal account option" that a lot of customers would need because they don't want to have a PayPal account and want to pay only with their credit card.
This is also called "guest buy role', "The customer has the option to check out without a PayPal account. He completes the payment first, and then optionally saves his data in a PayPal account for future purchases".
metadata.php, line 173
// functionality is currently not available
//array('group' => 'oepaypal_checkout', 'name' => 'blOEPayPalGuestBuyRole', 'type' => 'bool', 'value' => 'false'),//customizedcheckout_paypalguestbuyrole
Is it possible just to uncomment this line and set the option in admin settings or it should be left disabled/commented?
Thanks in advance
In OE PayPal module 3.1.1 file metadata.php there is a disabled option for "Check out without a PayPal account option" that a lot of customers would need because they don't want to have a PayPal account and want to pay only with their credit card.
This is also called "guest buy role', "The customer has the option to check out without a PayPal account. He completes the payment first, and then optionally saves his data in a PayPal account for future purchases".
metadata.php, line 173
// functionality is currently not available
//array('group' => 'oepaypal_checkout', 'name' => 'blOEPayPalGuestBuyRole', 'type' => 'bool', 'value' => 'false'),//customizedcheckout_paypalguestbuyrole
Is it possible just to uncomment this line and set the option in admin settings or it should be left disabled/commented?
Thanks in advance