using: Version CE 4.8.7 / Theme Azure with myChild
I' d like to extend the top category navigation list with two buttons 'manufacturerlist' and 'vendorlist'; linking to the lists:
It works fine for manufacturerlist with:
I tried to do the same for vendorlist, but it didn't work:
The function getRootVendor() does exist, but does not return anything (white page).
I've found infos about switching on 'bl_perfLoadVendorTree', but it is depreciated.
Any idea how to activate the function and make it available on start?
I' d like to extend the top category navigation list with two buttons 'manufacturerlist' and 'vendorlist'; linking to the lists:
- By-Manufacturer/
- By-Distributor/
It works fine for manufacturerlist with:
[{assign var="rootManufacturer" value=$oView->getRootManufacturer()}]
<li [{if $oViewConf->getTopActionClassName() == 'manufacturerlist'}]class="current"[{/if}]>
<a href="[{$rootManufacturer->getLink()}]">[{oxmultilang ident="BRAND"}]</a></li>
[{assign var="rootVendor" value=$oView->getRootVendor()}]
<li [{if $oViewConf->getTopActionClassName() == 'vendorlist'}]class="current"[{/if}]>
<a href="[{$rootVendor->getLink()}]">[{oxmultilang ident="COLLECTION"}]</a></li>
I've found infos about switching on 'bl_perfLoadVendorTree', but it is depreciated.
Any idea how to activate the function and make it available on start?